Dynapack Viewer Software

  1. Dynapack Viewer Software Developer
  2. Dynapack Viewer Software App

Dynapack Asia is a provider of rigid packaging and plastics catering to the South East Asia & China Market. We create packaging for common everyday products and are the leading rigid plastics & packaging company in the region.

Excellent technical service, constantly improving software, and a wide array of accessories make the Dynapack dynamometer our number one choice for tuning.Toshi Hayama, Apex Integration Inc. I would like to compliment Dynapack on their new chassis dyno design. Our unit has performed flawlessly. The repeatability is excellent. CAN IS FULLY INTEGRATED INTO OUR PSDAQ SMART CONTROL SOFTWARE. IT IS SIMPLE TO USE AND EASY TO CONFIGURE INPUT/OUTPUT CHANNELS IN THE MAIN CAN SCREEN. THE DYNAPACK CAN ACCEPT UP TO 4 CAN DEVICES (#1-#4) WITH EACH DEVICE HAVING SEPARATE SETTINGS SO ONE DEVICE CAN FOR EXAMPLE CONNECT AT 500K-BITS/S WHILE THE OTHER DEVICE CONNECTS AT 125K-BITS/S.

With over 60 years of service in the plastics and packaging business, we have created a sustainable business model with long term customer relationships, diverse end market and product mix that’s backed by a strong and experienced management team.

Dynapack caters to specialised packaging for three major sectors of everyday products.

Consumer Packaging

  • Bottle
  • Cap
  • Jar
  • Thin wall Food Containers
  • Toothbrush
  • Tube

Industrial Packaging

  • Cartridge
  • Crate
  • Jerrycan
  • Lubricant Bottle
  • Pail


Dynapack Viewer Software
  • Electrical Parts
  • Homeware
  • Motorcycle Parts

Technology and Innovation Center

  • Mold
  • Product Design
As Asia’s #1 Regional Rigid Plastics and Packaging company, Dynapack operates in over 35 manufacturing sites located within Asia’s most strategic countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and China. Our strong presence in Asia allows us to continuously expand to ensure that we closely cater to the needs of our clients.

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Awarded PT Dynaplast as The Best Supply Continuity 2018

Again, PT Dynaplast proudly received The Award from Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia as The Best Supply Continuity in “Partner For Growth”

PT Dynaplast Received Two Awards from Coca-Cola Amatil in 2017

(Left to right ): Mr. Hasan Hambali - GMD Industrial Packaging Dynapack Asia Mr. Bennett Jap - New Business Development Business

Dynapack Viewer Software Developer

Management & Executives of Dynapack Asia Volunteering to Build a School in Mauk – Banten

Dynapack Asia collaborate with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, a global non-profit organization, to build a School for Early Childhood Education

Dynapack Indonesia Signed MoU with Prasetiya Mulya University

Dynapack Indonesia officially formed a collaboration with Prasetiya Mulya University that marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding

“Keep Learning until You’re Old,” a Message from Mr. Soebekti Hambali

Mr. Soebekti Hambali, the founder of Dynaplast celebrated his 91st birthday on June 23rd, 2016. A special celebration was held

Dynaplast Cikarang 4 won the Gold Award: The Best Label Design in 2016 IMDA Awards

Mr. Hasan Hambali (second from right), GMD Component & Industrial received awards The Best Label Design in IMDA Awards, USA (06/06/2016). IMDA

Indonesian Company, Dynaplast Added US$ 19 million Investment in Vietnam

Dynapack Viewer Software
Dynaplast, an Indonesian company specialized in manufacture of rigid plastic packaging, added its investment in Vietnam amounted US$ 19 million

Dynaplast Go Private

Emiten PT Dyna pack berancang-ancang go private (delisting) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Perusahaan plastik itu menawarkan 33,25 persen saham

FAR EAST: Singapore’s Dynapack Asia completes plastic form acquisition

“We are excited to welcome Viscount Malaysia to the Dynapack business, Dynapack chief executive Tony Hambali said in a statement.

Dynapack Viewer Software App

Dynapack viewer software free


Dynaplast continues to pursue Corporate Social Responsibility programs in education and community building for children. We elected to focus on