Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

This video shows on combining slides from two or more powerpoint presentations 🡺 I hope I resolved your iss. Is there a way to merge multiple slides into one in Powerpoint? I have an employee that wants to merge 4 slides into one for presentation. I realize you can merge slides from other presentations into one presentation, but I'm wanting to do it on one slide. So esentially they would like to have 4 slides tiled onto one. If you want to combine a PowerPoint presentation with another one that you’ve previously made, this is a fairly easy trick. It’s simple to import another existing presentation into the one that you’re currently working on. In Microsoft PowerPoint, select Insert Slides From Other Presentation. Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C#. In this section, you will learn how to clone and merge all the slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another. For this, you can simply clone the slides from the source presentation and add them at the end of the target presentation. The following are the steps to merge two presentations.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

Combining multiple PowerPoint slides into one deck is a common operation. This is useful to organize your student’s presentations into one presentation.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

One way to accomplish this is to use the “Home”->”New Slide”->”Reuse slides” command from your PowerPoint 2010 program, but this is tedious and not really scalable.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

To do it automatically, you may want to use an open source program called PowerPoint Joiner.

To know how to use it, you need to take a look at this post

I tested it myself, and it works really well.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Steps

You can combine several of our templates to mix and match slides from different animated templates into one presentation. In this video tutorial you can use the “Reuse Slides” function in PowerPoint 2007 and newer to combine slides from various templates.


When combining several animated templates together remember that the more animated templates you combine the larger your presentation will become. A number of video files will make your presentation quite bulky. This could be a problem if you are distributing the completed presentation.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Free

Mac PowerPoint 2008 and 2011 instructions:

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Plans

In Mac PowerPoint, inserting slides from other presentations or templates work pretty much the same way but the command is labeled differently. The function is located under the “Insert” menu. Look for Insert/Slides From/Other Presentations. In the slide finder, be sure to check “Keep Design of Original Slide” to retain the formatting, animations and other graphic elements. Otherwise PowerPoint will only copy the text and not slides design.