- Hoi4 Great Purge Guide
- Hearts Of Iron Iv Soviet Union Guide
- Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide Man The Guns
- Hoi4 Soviet Union Tips
German Reich, United States, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Japan, Soviet Union, China, Luxemburg, Iceland, Colombia, Venezuela, Australia. Todays hoi4 man the guns tutorial video is talking about some new hearts of iron 4 division designs for hoi4 soviets. This shows every template you need as t.
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- This quiz has been taken 115 times
- The average score is 65 of 82
Answer Stats
Country Tag | Country | % Correct |
AFG | Afghanistan | |
ALB | Albania | |
BRA | Brazil | |
ARG | Argentina | |
AUS | Austria | |
BEL | Belgium | |
BHU | Bhutan | |
BOL | Bolivia | |
CHI | China | |
GRE | Greece | |
AST | Australia | |
FRA | France | |
DEN | Denmark | |
CUB | Cuba | |
NOR | Norway | |
ITA | Italy | |
FIN | Finland | |
IRQ | Iraq | |
JAP | Japan | |
ETH | Ethiopia | |
ENG | United Kingdom | |
LAT | Latvia | |
BUL | Bulgaria | |
CHL | Chile | |
EST | Estonia | |
POR | Portugal | |
CZE | Czechoslovakia | |
SWE | Sweden | |
USA | United States | |
TUR | Turkey | |
LIT | Lithuania | |
POL | Poland | |
COL | Colombia | |
RAJ | British Raj | |
MEX | Mexico | |
SOV | Soviet Union | |
LUX | Luxembourg | |
YUG | Yugoslavia | |
PER | Iran | |
PRU | Peru | |
PAN | Panama | |
IRE | Ireland | |
HOL | Netherlands | |
NEP | Nepal | |
URG | Uruguay | |
PAR | Paraguay | |
SWI | Switzerland | |
VEN | Venezuela | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
NZL | New Zealand | |
SPR | Spain | |
OMA | Oman | |
TIB | Tibet | |
HON | Honduras | |
ECU | Ecuador | |
COS | Costa Rica | |
YEM | Yemen | |
LIB | Liberia | |
PHI | Phillippines | |
NIC | Nicaragua | |
PRC | Communist China | |
MON | Mongolia | |
HAI | Haiti | |
SAF | South Africa | |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | |
GER | German Reich | |
ELS | El Salvador | |
YUN | Yunnan | |
CAN | Dominion of Canada | |
SIK | Sinkiang | |
SIA | Siam | |
SHX | Shanxi | |
INS | Dutch East Indies | |
MAL | British Malaya | |
TAN | Tannu Tuva | |
XSM | Xibei San Ma | |
ROM | Kingdom of Romania | |
GXC | Guangxi Clique | |
HUN | Kingdom of Hungary | |
MAN | Manchukuo | |
MEN | Mengkukuo | |
GUA | Guatamala |
Hoi4 Great Purge Guide
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Over the past few days, I’ve been working on planning out the Soviet focus tree and thinking about how best to model it. I’m rather happy with the current plan, but as always it is subject to change.
The Soviet focus tree is currently divided into 2 branches: leadership and policy.
The leadership tree allows the player to choose the broad path forward taken by the USSR. There are three branches of this tree: “Encourage Revolution Internationally,” “Develop Soviet Industry,” and “Continue with State Capitalism.” Though the names are relatively descriptive in and of themselves, let me flesh out what each entails.
“Encourage Revolution Internationally”: the main part of this branch will be the focuses to increase Communist support in various countries. After choosing whether to focus on Europe, Asia, or Latin America, the player will be able to help out the Communist movement in one of four countries at a time (one of which is more susceptible than normal, another which is less susceptible, and two which are average). This takes the form of 5 levels of preparation and a focus to try and initiate a revolution, which can be done at any level of preparation (though your chances increase dramatically the more you prepare). Less fleshed-out are the peripheral focuses (I would like to see how the main path of each branch looks before adding additional focuses), but they will mostly give bonuses for there being more countries with Communist governments, which makes it a better choice if the German Revolution succeeds. Going down this tree also puts Leon Trotsky in power if Lenin dies of his declining health.
“Develop Soviet Industry”: this branch will work similarly to the previous branch. The main focuses will be chains that give the USSR more factories, better infrastructure, etc. (as they will start with abysmal development at the start of the game). Players can choose focuses by region and by development type, and so in this branch, unlike in the previous, it makes much more sense to do a little bit of everything in this branch than to choose one bit and do it fully. Peripheral focuses will give temporary bonuses to building speed and other aspects of domestic production. This tree is better for Russia if the German Revolution fails, as it is more likely than not that AI Germany becomes fascist and the Soviet Union must fight it with anything and everything it has, and so the more it has, the better it will fare. This will also put Joseph Stalin in power if Lenin dies.
“Continue with State Capitalism”: this is the one branch where I’m not sure exactly how to do things. My current idea is to make it a “middle of the road” branch that gives focuses both to spread the revolution and to build up industry, but I don’t find that to be a particularly satisfying solution. This might involve more research on the original plans for state capitalism in the early Soviet Union and the policies proposed (beyond the NEP, of course). This will put Nikolai Bukharin in power if Lenin dies.
The second half of the tree is related to policy. In addition to all the policy choices in the early Soviet Union (War Communism, NEP, one-man management etc.), it also has two sub-branches: repression and liberalization.
Repression, allowing for policies like “Less Autonomy for Local Soviets” and “One Party Rule,” makes the Soviet Union significantly stronger as a country and makes winning the Civil War much easier, but has significant trade-offs. Choosing this path eventually gives the leader of the USSR the “dictator” trait, allows for purges and political expulsions (and, hence, the 4th International and its AU equivalents), and makes a Communist Germany – Soviet Union alliance much more tenuous.
Liberalization, on the other hand, allows the player to do just that: liberalize and do away with some of the more heavy-handed measures taken during the first part of the Civil War. This makes the USSR weaker but allows for a stronger alliance with other Communist Powers since the USSR does not err from the path of democracy, preventing the breakup of the Communist bloc.
Hearts Of Iron Iv Soviet Union Guide
There are also smaller, minor trees to model the USSR’s role in trying to foment revolution in post-1919 Germany and in starting the Chinese Civil War.
Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide Man The Guns
All-in-all, the tree as it stands tries to emulate historical accuracy with the bonuses offered to the player. If the USSR fares poorly during the Civil War and the international revolution doesn’t take off, the Stalin + Repression path is probably the safest choice. Conversely, if the USSR does well during the Civil War and the revolution succeeds, Trotksy + Liberalization is better. In different circumstances, Stalin + Liberalization and Trotksy + Repression are also good, and Bukharin probably fits in here somewhere too (depending on what is eventually decided for the State Capitalism route).
Hoi4 Soviet Union Tips
Next, I’ll talk about some of the work I’ve done behind the scenes in the past few weeks with event scripting.